Chiropractic Helps Posture
People who have bad posture usually end up with neck pain or headaches and people with neck pain often have breathing problems. This can all impact your daily life and functional ability. The problem does not just end there because the way you breathe also has a very important influence on posture and spinal stabilization.
Posture is a forgotten aspect of our health – correct posture is so important
Bad Posture Affects Your Health
A study conducted in New Zealand showed that using upright ‘good’ posture you can cope with stressful tasks much better than if you are in a slouching position during the same task.
Neck Pain
Studies are showing that developing neck pain is not something that should be considered ‘growing pains’. It is not likely to go away by itself. We know that kids who develop spinal dysfunction to the point of them having spinal pain in their teenage years go on to become adults with spinal pain problems.